Printing Using PaperCut

The PaperCut system can be used to execute both steps of the printing process – both Step 1, which creates a Print Job, and Step 2, which confirms the printout.
STEP 1 – Create Print Job
You can print using PaperCut from any computer, including FGV’s. To do this:
  • activate the PaperCut system at and authenticate your identity using your FGV Access Account name and password;
  • select the Web Print option.

  • choose a group of printers, identified by location and type of printing (color or black and white);

  • choose the number of copies you wish to print,

  • click the button to upload the files to be printed.

By going through these procedures, a Print Job is created and placed in a queue, pending Step 2.
STEP 2 – Confirm Print Job
You should execute this step when you are near one of the PaperCut printers. You can use your own personal device or an FGV computer exclusively dedicated to executing this step, installed at printing locations.
Using your preferred browser, access the PaperCut system at and authenticate your identity using your FGV Access Account name and password. Then do the following:
  • Select the Print Jobs Waiting for Confirmation option,

  •   For each Print Job, as well as the file name, the system will show:
    o    the number of pages to be printed;
    o    the cost in R$;
    o    the Print and Cancel options, which are the two actions you can take;

  •   If you select Print, you will have to choose the printer to use. Note that the name of each printer indicates its location, to facilitate the collection of printouts, which will be generated as soon as the operation is completed

  • If you select Cancel, the Print Job will be removed from the queue, and you will not be charged anything.


Identification of Printers
When executing Step 1, students choose a printer identified by the word PaperCut followed by its location (SP-09deJulho, RJ-PraiadeBotafogo or SP-Rocha) and COR (color) or P&B (black and white). For example:
  • PaperCut-RJ-Bilioteca-COR - printer located in Rio de Janeiro Library that prints in colors,
  • PaperCut-SP-Itapeva-P&B - printer in Itapeva Building in Sao Paulo that prints in black and white..
In Step 1, you actually choose a group of printers. When you execute Step 2, you will need to choose a specific printer in the group. Note that the printers’ names indicate their specific location, such as “PraiadeBotafogo-P&B-7º Andar” (Botafogo Beach, black and white, 7th floor).


  • When you execute Step 2, if you do not have enough credits, PaperCut will generate an alert message and the Print Job will remain in the queue.
  • By acquiring enough additional credits, you can repeat the operation and print out your document.
  • Print Jobs will be automatically removed from the queues 24 hours after their creation, at no cost.